Potato's cake
Potato's cake. Check Our Step-By-Step Guide To Bake Up A Sweet Treat For Your Loved Ones. I reserved a little of flour mixture to coat outside of cake. I found putting butter on my hands greatly helped to form cakes and keep them from sticking to my hands. Spoon more potato mixture over the cheese. Add the potato cakes to the pan and reduce the heat to medium-low. Cook Potato's cake using 13 ingredients and 6 steps easily.
Prepare of Potato's
It’s of Meancsmeat
You need of Onion
Prepare of Scoot bunnert
It’s of Magi
Prepare of Salt
It’s of Curry
It’s of Garlic
You need of Bread crumbs
It’s of Flour
It’s of Egg
You need of Oil
Prepare of Parsily
- Add patoto in the pot and cook like 20mint.
- After cook potato zaki Samu bowl Dinki ki zuba ciki.
- Then add special meancsmeat and Maggi,salt, Attaruhu da garlic, ki Juya shi, Sannan ki zuba albasa da parsily then curry optionally ki Juya, after juyawa zaki diba kina milmilawa like egg.
- Idan kina gama sai ki Saka Cikin flour kina jujjuya ki ajjiye gyefe, sai ki hada kwai a bowl kisa masa pinch of cittah, sai ki dakko doungh din naki ki Saka a Cikin Kwan ki cire ki Saka Cikin bread crumbs Dinki.
- Then ki Dora mai a kan Wuta ki soya shi.
- Gashi na gama soyawa.
This was Mama Reed's Potato cakes recipe. She was a wonderful grandmother who worked hard all day long and never let anything go to waste. Place hash browns in a strainer and rinse with cold water until thawed. Drain thoroughly; transfer to a large bowl. Add onion, parsley, milk, eggs, flour and salt; mix well.