Plain fluffy omelet Recipe

Plain fluffy omelet

Plain fluffy omelet. .how to make/ fluffy omelette. sponge Tamil at home.recipe. fluffy omelette. Omelets are delicious and perfect for breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner. Learn how to make the best omelets that are fluffy, healthy, and oh so yummy. It is a perfect recipe to start your day with. This Masala & Plain Fluffy Omelette can be enjoyed with. Make Plain fluffy omelet using 4 ingredients and 7 steps quickly.


  • 4 of eggs

  • 4 tablespoons of hot water

  • 2 tablespoons of cooked minute tapioca

  • of Salt pepper paprika butter


  • Beat yolks light add salt,pepper,tapioca.
  • Fold in stiffly beaten whites.
  • Melt butter in bottom and sides of omelet pan,turn in mixture,cook over slow fire until light brown underneath.
  • Place in oven to dry top.
  • Do not overcook or omelet will shrink.
  • Loosen edge of omelet,fold serve immediately on hot platter.
  • Minced fish,ham,or grated cheese may be added to beaten omelet to give variety. Garnish with parsley.

Omelette — A plain omelette In cuisine, an omelette or omelet is a dish made from beaten eggs quickly cooked with butter or oil in a frying pan, sometimes folded around a filling such as cheese. Omelets and Eggs & Things dishes served with your choice of: Fresh made plain Pot of Bread™, cinnamon raisin Pot of Bread™, special weekly Pot of Bread™, white, wheat. Make a high-quality Fluffy Omelette from Chicken Eggs, Cow's Milk, and a Tomato. Definition of fluffy omelet in the Fine Dictionary. Meaning of fluffy omelet with illustrations and photos.

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