French Toast
French Toast. Check Out Easy French Toast On eBay. Fill Your Cart With Color Today! Dunk each slice of bread in egg mixture, soaking both sides.
Prepare 2 pcs of sliced bread
Prepare 1 pc of egg
You need 3-4 spoon of milk fresh
It’s 1 spoon of sugar
Prepare 1/4 tsp of vanilla
You need 1/4 tsp of cinnamon powder
- In a bowl,put egg, milk, vanilla,sugar and cinnamon then stir..
- Take bread and deep the mixture. Side by side..
- Put pan in the fire. Brush/spray oil over the pan. Then put the bread..
- Keep until become brown side by side. Then serve while its hot..
- Enjoy eating..
Reheat frozen French toast by placing the slices on a baking sheet. Place a wire rack on a baking sheet, and set aside. French toast is very easy: Soak thick slices of bread in an egg and milk batter, then fry them to crisp up the outside and cook the egg custard center. Shake off the excess egg mixture from the bread, and place the bread slices onto the hot skillet. For the French toast: Grease the baking pan with butter.