Sexy Bruschetta
Sexy Bruschetta. Assemble your Sexy Bruschetta with Balsamic Glaze by adding tomato mixture with a small spoon on top of bread, and then drizzle the balsamic glaze over the top like photo shows. Enjoy! (I found the original recipe on Don't go Bacon My Heart, but mine has been modified to my liking.) Sexy Bruschetta Every bite is beautiful. Sexy Bruschetta in the Cinque Terre I'm in Riomaggiore, enjoying a simple lunch of bruschetta and wine at Dau Cila with my local guide, Amy Inman.
Prepare 1 of chicken breast
You need 1 cup of tomato sauce (flavour of your choice)
It’s 1 of olive oil
Prepare 1 of parmesan cheese
It’s 2 of green onion stalks – chopped
Prepare 1 of Italian seasoning
You need 1 of baguette (I used ciabatta)
Prepare 1/2 cup of Gouda cheese (shredded or sliced)
Prepare 1 clove of garlic
- Heat a frying pan with 1 teaspoon olive oil at medium heat. Cut chicken into strips and sprinkle with Italian seasoning and crushed garlic, cook thoroughly (about 10-15 minutes). You can also preheat the oven at this time to 200°C ..
- While the chicken is cooking, cut open baguette and place on baking sheet. Drizzle olive oil, parmesan cheese, and half of the chopped green onion onto the inside halves. You can also sprinkle a bit more Italian seasoning on top of the olive oil if you like it a bit salty..
- Once the chicken is cooked, place strips onto baguette halves and cover with cheese..
- Bake for about 5-7 minutes or until cheese is melted and bread is crispy..
- Once out of the oven top with remaining green onion, warm tomato sauce and more parmesan cheese. ENJOY!!.
Bruschetta, in its most basic form, is simply grilled or toasted bread rubbed with garlic and brushed with olive oil. Tomato bruschetta, consisting of marinated tomatoes heaped onto the slices of toast, has become the most popular variation in the United States. Bruschetta is normally toasted Italian Bread that has been drenched with olive oil and topped with garlic or tomatoes. For this breakfast bruschetta recipe, I chose to use a toasted english muffin. This Breakfast Bruschetta is a recipe that should also be served hot.