Pan fried salmon with vegetable Recipe

Pan fried salmon with vegetable

Pan fried salmon with vegetable. Bring to a simmer and cook, basting salmon occasionally with a spoon. A deficiency of vitamin D has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease. And Salmon has got lots of vitamin D. And the bonus: pan-fried salmon is a very easy meal to prepare, making it very suitable for a quick weeknight dinner. With ingredients like chili-garlic sauce, white vinegar, fish sauce, sugar, and chopped peanuts, this salad could transform even the most basic salmon into a memorable meal. To make Pan fried salmon with vegetable you need 4 ingredients and 5 steps easily.

The ingredients needed to make Pan fried salmon with vegetable:

  • 1 slice of Salmon

  • Bag of tender broccoli

  • of Soy sauce

  • of Olive oil

Steps to make Pan fried salmon with vegetable:

  • Pan fry tender broccoli with olive oil with medium heat
  • After 5 min place the salmon in the pan as well with the skin side on the pan
  • Grill each side for about total of 10min. I removed the vegetables as it was over cooked. (Perhaps I can boil it and add it at the end next time)
  • Once all side is cooked, add some soy sauce and cook until it evaporates
  • And it’s done!

How to Cook Pan-Fried Salmon and Potatoes. Season the salmon with salt and pepper. Place it in a plastic bag, add the olive oil, thyme, garlic, and lime juice. Secure the bag, and marinate the salmon for the next hour. Add to slices of lemon and rosemary.

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