Categories: Recipes

Dambun cus cus Recipe

Dambun cus cus

Dambun cus cus. Vegetables, garbanzos, raisins and couscous in a lovely Moroccan broth taste delicious inside butter and brown sugar-brushed acorn squash. You can experiment with different vegetables, or add diced chicken. Couscous is a tiny pasta made of wheat or barley.


  • Prepare of Cus cus

  • You need of Alaiyyahu

  • You need of Tattasai

  • It’s of Tarugu

  • Prepare of Albasa

  • Prepare of Mangyada

  • Prepare of Kayn dandano da curry


  • Zaki zuba cuscus inki a roba saiki wanke kibarshi yatsane.
  • Kiyi grating in tattasai da tarugu ki aje gefe and kiyanka alaiyyahu ki aje.
  • Kidauko cuscus inki ki barraraje zakiga yayi warawara kizuba alaiyyahunki kisaka tarugu da ttaattasai kisaka albasa kisa mangyada da kayan dandano duk ki juya sosai ko ina yasamu.
  • Kidaura tukunya akan wuta kizuba ruwa kisaka murfin tukunya kirufe idan sun tafasa kisaka hadin cuscus inki saiki samu leda mai kauri kirufe yanda iska bazai shiga ba saboda tururi akeso yadafa shi sannan kisa murfi kirufe idan yayi zaki fara jin kamshi natashi.
  • Acidadi lfy.
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