Categories: Recipes

Japanese Omelet (Egg Roll) Recipe

Japanese Omelet (Egg Roll)

Japanese Omelet (Egg Roll). Make Japanese Omelet (Egg Roll) using 5 ingredients and 10 steps quickly.


  • 2 pieces of Egg

  • 1 tbsp of Milk

  • 1 tbsp of Konbu Tsuyu

  • 1 tbsp of Chopped Spring Onion (If you like)

  • 3 tsp of Salad Oil (cooking Oil)


  • Beat the eggs into a bowl and beat them by running chopsticks through the egg white. (Not to foam them up)
  • Add Milk and Konbu Tsuyu. Mix it well. If you like the spring Onion, then add it.
  • Heat the Omlet pan and add 1tsp oil. Remove excess oil with a peper towel.
  • Add 1/3 of egg mixture to the pan and move the egg so that it’s spread evenly across the pan.
  • When the egg is half-cooked, roll up the omelet. (If yo use a spatula, you can roll easily.)
  • Add 1tsp oil in the empty space of the pan. Remove excess oil again.
  • Add another 1/3 of egg mixtures to the empty part of the pan.
  • Lift up the cooked egg with the spatula and tip the pan so that new egg mixture flows underneath it, covering the whole pan.
  • When the rest of egg mixture is mostly cooked, but still slightly runny, roll the egg.
  • Continue to roll the cooked egg mixture to one side of the pan, add 1tsp oil and remove excess oil, and then add 1/3 egg mixture and roll it.

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